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Welcome to Cluster Fuck.... Expect the unexpected!!!!

Vanessa Clayson

Hey everyone,

Or no one I guess, because I have no idea if anyone is actually going to read this or not. LOL

But I guess That doesn't much matter as I started this whole process as part of my healing journey, well that and as a measure of reality. After finally separating from my husband I was left with the daily struggle of questioning what was actually happening or if I was actually losing my mind. A very common symptom among survivors of cluster B personality disorder abuse.

The two most significant relationships of my adult life have left me a battered and broken shell of who I once was. I spent from 18 to 35 giving everything I had to give of myself to people who were secretly destroying me. My first with Seth, I was 18 right out of highschool and he was 12 years older than me. I was smitten from the start. The abuse started slowly, With "jokes" daily about my appearance, or the way I did something, but just like his drug addiction the abuse grew as time went on. It took me 13 years to realize what was happening and get out.

I had finally broken free from the crippling grips of his abuse when only 2 months later I met the most amazing man that would become my husband. At the time I thought nothing could be worse than what I had just escaped……. Man was I wrong!!!!

The posts that follow are my accounts of the events that changed my life forever.

I didn't want to create just another blog tho, as you get to know me you will come to realize I can never just do the basic of anything 🙂 I want to create a space for others to share and join in, a community of sorts. Somewhere people can read about my crazy life,

Basically have somewhere they can come and realize they are not alone.

I have always been artistic and creative, something I have been using a lot in my healing process. I get asked all the time about pieces for sale and maybe I have something that catches your eye. So since I was already building this site and will most likely talk about projects I'm working on so I am creating a gallery/store section as well. If I made it and it's for sale this is where you will find it!!!!

The last tidbit I want to touch on right off the bat is……. If you're reading along and you feel like there is something missing or large gaps in the timeline don't worry ALL will be revealed!!!! But due to an ongoing criminal trial (Thanks to my soon-to-be ex-husband) there are some details that will come at it’s resolution!!!

Well, that's as nut shell as this story can get :) I hope I've piqued your interest enough to keep you coming back!!!! Until next time, STAY SAFE!!!!!


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