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Night Sky

If I were a stranger and someone was telling me this story I'd think it was made up. Hell there are still times I  ask myself did this really happen???

"                       "

Hello everyone........ or no one I guess since I have no idea if anyone is even going to read this!


      But here goes while not the only reason but it's significant one my ex-husband is largely the reason I started to document my story and what brings me to sit and write this out today. The erratic, bazar and stomach turning behavior I witnessed & forgave still leaves me scratching my head.


    The posts that follow are my recollection of the powder keg of events that have unfolded in my life over the last 5 years, all set into motion by the man I loved most in this world. the stories I'm about to tell are unbelievable and will leave you shaking your head. Believe me I wish I was making them up, but unfortunately I'm not. I had to live through all of them and still to this day suffer the consequences of everything I'm about to tell you. (As a result of the consequences I will have to leave parts of the story unsaid for now: due to a pending criminal trial..... but we'll talk about that all later)


     There's a few housekeeping items I'd like to go over before diving in:

     1) The following stories contain sex, drug use, suicide, domestic abuse (both mental and physical) and foul language.

    2) I am in no way claiming that I am of no fault in certain situations. My mental health and emotional reactions often escalated tense situations, but there is a huge difference between an action and a reaction!!!!

   3) This is me 100% Raw and Uncut. Love me or hate me your opinions are yours, Please remember I had to live through all of this!


I'm doing my healing out loud so that maybe those still suffering in silence may find their voice

"                 "


A large part of my healing process has surrounded around my art. I wanted to be able to share it hear for all to see

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